So interesting to read the above two Linkedin posts yesterday. My short synopsis below demonstrates the challenges faced by key elements of our Education Sector. Educational practitioners know that the sector will not cope with the proposed disruption. This is not what should be happening.
The Independent Sector has to work harder at providing genuine opportunities for students on free school meals and pupil premium. They will then justify their charitable status and VAT exemption. Of course they could equally. of their own volition, opt out of their charitable status. This scenario would protects freedom of choice for parents and the Education Sector and avoids a drastic diminution in educational provision for all
MY Synopsis:
Meena Wood (MBA Ed FRSA FCCT International Consultantformer HMI and Principal) comments on Ofsted’s Role in the decline in educational standards based on a narrow notion of good, and the fact that a one size fits all approach does not fit all. Mean continues to say that the state sector is characterised by:
- low attendance
- inadequate resources
- children alienated from education and stunted by “examification” which stunts enthusiasm and curiosity
- inspections that fail to respect headteachers and the profession it represents, as well as collecting the wrong information
Meanwhile Nicholas Pietrek (Headmaster at Stafford Grammar School) comments on the attack on independent schools through VAT and the fact that Sir Kier Starmer has a new and questionable interpretation of how VAT impacts. Nicholas comments that if Labour wins the next election, the independent school landscape will be irrevocably changed. “This is not a tax raid …. it is an ideological stance”