
We believe in the positive potential of building the right connections. Our philosophy aims to harness the energies of different sectors easily and effectively.

By approaching our work in this way, we connect and open pathways to a positive future for students, teachers, schools and their wider communities.

At the heart of the philosophy is the UN Sustainable Development Goal 4 – ensuring inclusive and equitable quality education and promoting lifelong learning opportunities for all.

When partnerships are built in the right way

Barriers can be overcome between:

Education and Enterprise

State and Independent Schools

Advantage and Disadvantage

“Four days – that’s how long it took to change my attitudes towards self-reflection and personal development, as well as my views on what to be a leader really means.”

Primary School Teacher


All our community investment programmes, people awards and projects are directed at and assessed against core indices of deprivation.

The 4 Rs

Our unique cross-sector model of community investment improves “The 4 Rs” ​of all participating organisations, from the Business, Education, Charity and Sports and Arts worlds





“Richard arrived in Deal last year and introduced hiimself to the club. His engagement and imagination has led to a wonderful afternoon and evening at Walmer for which I and our club are extremely grateful. Richard has always heaped praise on us but it is you we should thank. Tim Henman was enormously generous with his time which allowed a family of tennis players to listen and learn from a sportsman who has reached the heights of his game.”