“NO” is an under-used word

As a positive and energetic individual albeit with a dreadful sense of humour … or so I am told ! – I cannot believe that I am communicating that “NO” is and under-used word.

I am uncertain what has prompted this outburst.  An element of provocation might stem from “the spirit of wokeness” that seems now permeate all

My reason for “NO” being under-used is that we are fearful of declining any individual an opportunity. 

I understand this …. but it is weakness . That weakness stems from the fact that all in leadership and decision making positions have a tendency not to communicate clearly enough their vision, strategy and plan. The consequence is that when we say “NO” the reasoning behind why we have said “NO” is unclear. 

This causes disruption. In the right context “NO” is entirely positive. I am pleased to use NO regularly and …..in an appropriately set context !