There have been worrying trends in education for several decades.

Educational philosophies based on “no child should fail” and “every child matters” have resulted in a culture within education that exam results and league tables matter more than the skills appropriate to career advancement in our fast changing world.

I urge parents and young people to read Roger Bootle’s article below.
For three decades GCSE’s and A Levels have no longer truly identified academic ability, leaving employers and top universites in a quandary. As a consequence a university eduucation no longer enables all to succeed and continue successfully into employment.

In early 2000 I advised one of my students, who was academically able; and possessed mature analytical skills and confident social skills …… not to go to university. He is now on his second role as a CEO within highly established City/ National organsiations. By his early 30s he has acquired the skills and experience to differentiate him, in a competitve jobs market, from most graduates. He has also avoided tertiary sector debt.

Our education sector must begin to relate the skills it delivers to the work place and be less of an ivory tower. The sector supported by government must break down the barriers between differeet types of school, and schools and enterprise. Schools must be at the heart of a community network of business, education, charity and sports and arts organisations. Far too little collective resource is allocated to this purpose. We are all resposnisble for the limitations resulting from the outcomes of our education sector.

Every child does matter but having academic qualifications is not a one size fits all solution. We should re-evaluate vocational education and re appraise the route straight into the work place.

This is so important because the future of every young person is important.
