Raynes Park High School’s entire Year 9 group took part in the launch of this unique careers programme, developed and delivered by Engaging Education
180 students
developing the skills necessary to enter the world of work through the design + development of their own board game
Students designed an interactive board game to help young people with one of the following:
Deciding what jobs or careers are available
Managing their money
Preparing for a job interview
Working in teams, pupils research the concept of a board game, recognise what constitutes a great product and understand the core elements behind the key careers education information and guidance (CEIAG) topic areas.
The aim of the programme is for learners to develop and apply an improved working knowledge of the following areas:
Mental Wellbeing: Understanding the risks and rewards associated with financial decisions.
Preparation For Modern Life: Developing and applying transition skills from learning to work, through interview and CV advice, job searches and key financial terminology.
Independent Careers Guidance: The exploration of varied career routes and development of the skills needed to access jobs and reach their individual potential.
Aspirations: Raise aspirations, life skills and careers education amongst all participating young people. Soft Skills: Develop the teamwork, literacy, numeracy and key life skills amongst the participating pupils.
Legacy Resources: Produce end-products and resources to be implemented within PHSE /careers/lesson time across the School.
The challenge also satisfies the following Ofsted criteria:
Deliver ‘Leading Learning’: Implementing varied methods of teaching to improve learning outcomes.
External Engagement: Utilising external engagement partnerships and collaboration with an external organisation (as part of school improvement passage).
Attainment and Engagement: Deliver ambitious and challenging learning activities to improve attainment and engagement amongst hard to reach pupils.